“The towers we build”

SERMON Title: The towers we build
SCRIPTURE: Genesis 11:1-9 (ESV)


There are two ways to build our lives. We can build our lives in faithfulness to God - Noah building an ark out of faithfulness to God. We can build lives in isolation from God - the ambitions of the Tower of Babel. The towers differ not only in the materials used or the time of when it took place; no, the towers differed largely because of the wrong motives for one (Babel) and the right motives for the other (the Ark).


Collective security and exclusion

  • Do we build these towers so it remains comfortable and secure for ourselves, while excluding others who are different or unfamiliar?

  • In the story of the Tower of Babel, the people sought for their collective security as a people in isolation from God instead of fulfilling the cultural mandate of filling and subduing the earth.

Security of identity and enoughness

  • The problem of living with significance and recognition is often rooted in false pride and enoughness.

  • The deep desire of our souls is to be enough, yet we live in a world which daily tells us we are the exact opposite.

  • Unfortunately, there is no solution. There will never be enough.


  • God responds in two ways:

    • God scatters the people.

    • God lets the people know about this sense of enoughness they are seeking - by letting them know it is God who is enough. (Gen 12)

  • God chooses to come down and down again, in a world marked by fear and insecurity - He graciously comes down to let us know He is more than enough.

Sermon reflection questions:

  1. Where do you recently see yourself turning to seek for ‘enoughness’?

  2. What is a deep desire within you that you are choosing to devote a lot of your life to currently? When processing this desire with God, would you say it is a healthy or unhealthy desire?

  3. Pray over the things or people you choose to see your ‘enoughness’ in. How are you seeking the Lord’s help in overcoming their false lures over satisfaction and fulfillment in your life today?


“Living as Free people”


“The story of sin and faithfulness”