Downtown Pastoral Library

Sermon, Elder Yong Gigi Lin Sermon, Elder Yong Gigi Lin

“Identity in Christ”

As we wrap up the series on the ‘Heart Detox’, we look into what defines our identity in the everyday. In order to discover where our identity and purpose flows from, we need to go back to the beginning. We don’t begin with ourselves, but we begin with God; after all, He is the Creator (Gen 1:1-2) and the beginning of all things - the Alpha and the Omega (Rev 1:8), including our own existence.

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Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin

“Detoxing the heart of forgiveness”

This week, we dive into exploring the the tension of having been forgiven by God and our response in forgiving others in love and Christ-likeness. In our passage, both servants were forgiven an immense amount of debt relative to their position - unthinkable in those times. We will look into the similarities of the weight of our sins before God and why a willingness to forgive is characteristic of those who have been saved by the Lord.

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Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin

“Listening to your heart as a way of discernment”

We take a break from our series on ‘The Heart Detox’ to examine another part of our heart we ought to offer up to God: our thoughts, feelings, and desires that surface as we discern a major decision in our life. The art of discernment isn’t an easy skill but is one that as we sharpen and refine it, aids how we come to delight in grasping and living out His good and perfect will for us.

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Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin Pastor John Son, Sermon Gigi Lin

“Detoxing sexual sins (Pt. 1)”

Though the church may often focus on and explore topics of theology, prayer, solitude, etc. - the intersection of sexuality and spirituality is often spoken about in hushed tones. In today’s sermon, we’ll look at Part 1 of examining engrained assumptions we may hold on the topic of sexual sins and how to broaden our understanding of a life of sexual wholeness.

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