Because of His Name

Psalm 138

It is unbelievable that August is already coming to an end. For many of us, September will present many new and challenging changes to our lives. Despite the pending uncertainties, we are reminded in Psalm 138 that we can nevertheless place our hope in God. Our hope is not based on circumstances, but based on the fact that God is committed to exalting his name. Therefore, he will continue to show his steadfast love toward those who are humble and needy.

David praises God for what might seem to be an unusual reason. David does not praise God for answered prayers or victories. Instead, David praises God because God will exalt God's own name (v. 2). The reason why David praises God for this specific reason is that if God is true to his own name, then it means that he will continue to show his steadfast love and faithfulness to us no matter what. God's commitment toward us is not based on how good or holy we are; rather his commitment toward us is based on his own character, reputation, or name. Therefore, there is tremendous comfort and security that God interacts in our lives based on his unchanging character rather than based on us or circumstances. In fact, God loves us despite who we are. As it says clearly in verses 3 and 6, we are lowly and needy; yet God shows us his grace by loving and providing for us. This undeserving love from God is most powerfully exemplified through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

What does this mean for our situation? We can experience an unshakable reassurance and security because (1) God's hand is powerful enough to deliver us in the time of trouble; (2) our lives will transpire according to his perfect purpose; and (3) his disposition toward us will always be a committed love and a sense of pride over his own work (vv. 7-8).


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