Uptown Pastoral Library

Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau

Because of His Name

It is unbelievable that August is already coming to an end. For many of us, September will present many new and challenging changes to our lives. Despite the pending uncertainties, we are reminded in Psalm 138 that we can nevertheless place our hope in God. Our hope is not based on circumstances, but based on the fact that God is committed to exalting his name. Therefore, he will continue to show his steadfast love toward those who are humble and needy…

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Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau

Jesus, the Ultimate Pilgrim

Here at Uptown, it's been uncanny how God has been moving in the lives of our community over the past few months during the pandemic. Not only has God been expressing his faithfulness toward us, but recently, there have been many of us experiencing surprising and unexpected breakthroughs and answered prayers. Praise God!

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Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau

It’s His Name and I’ll Cry If I Want To

Many of us have experienced difficult seasons where we feel great need and lack. As I mentioned before, I am presently experiencing such a season and I know some of you are as well. Often times, we think that we have to be "strong" and "mature" during these seasons by reminding ourselves that God is trying to teach us something important. However, in Psalm 70, we see another perspective, which is equally important…

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Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau

His Glory; Our Peace

Like Psalm 46, many of us have experienced seasons where our confidence or assurance in life has been severely shaken. In fact, many of us might be experiencing such a season right now--whether it's the discouraging news in the world, difficulties at work, relational tension, personal discomfort, or struggles in our relationship with God. Psalm 46, however, reminds us that we can find assurance by looking to God…

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Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau

Jesus Was Forsaken So That We Can Worship

One of the common feelings of the Christian is that God is distant from us. This is especially true in light of recent circumstances. Not only has the pandemic disrupted our lifestyle, but the recent injustices to the black community and even our own personal struggles have led many of us feeling like God has forsaken us…

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Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau

Hindsight is 2020a

It is a relief for some of us that the first half of 2020 has finally ended, as this year has been brutal for the entire world. Although many of us might feel discouraged, God is reminding us to place our confidence in the only thing that never disappoints: the gospel of Jesus Christ…

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