Elijah Was Just Like Us (Part 2)

1 Kings 19

Soon after experiencing God's miraculous victory, Elijah is running for his life yet he desires to die out of sheer hopelessness. Moreover, Elijah continues to distort the truth by repeatedly claiming that he is the only prophet of the Lord (even though Obadiah explained to him that he himself is a prophet of the Lord and that he has saved 100 other prophets of the Lord). Elijah’s character flaws and sin that were hinted in previous chapters are fully exposed and we see Elijah, though one of the greatest prophets of God, as very self-centered.

Most of us do not notice these things about Elijah. We remember Elijah as a hero of faith who performed extraordinary things for God and his people, and we neglect the significance of the details found in 1 Kings 19. However, when we read Scripture carefully and with God (and not Elijah) as the main character, we see more clearly how Elijah's life points to our need for Jesus and his gospel. 

The fact that God still chose to love and use Elijah, despite all his shortcomings, emphasizes God's grace. This grace culminates in the gospel of Jesus Christ and brings incredible hope for all of us. Many of us will experience seasons where our shortcomings, character flaws, and sin are exposed. Despite all of this, God's unwavering grace and love remain for those of us who place our trust in what Christ has done for us. Jesus's death has wiped away all of our sin and his resurrection guarantees that we will overcome all of our sin.

Not only does the life of Elijah allow us to appreciate the death and resurrection of Jesus more, it also brings to light the character of Jesus. Where Elijah struggled with fickleness, Jesus's trust in God was unwavering and steadfast; where Elijah focused on himself, Jesus sacrificially gave up his will for God's glory. The obedience of Jesus is truly remarkable! But what's even more amazing is how his obedience has been imputed onto us! 


1. How has this sermon series changed the way you see Elijah and God? Why do you think you did not notice these things before?

2. In what ways can you relate with Elijah?

3. In what ways are you more amazed by God?

4. When reading Elijah's story with an understanding that God is the main character, we see more clearly how this story points not to how great Elijah is, but to God's grace and ultimately to Jesus Christ and his gospel. Which implications of Jesus and his gospel resonate with you the most, and why?

  1. The death of Jesus means that despite all of our shortcomings, character flaws, and sin, God's gentle love and patient grace for us will remain.

  2. The resurrection of Jesus means that his Spirit is working in our lives, so that we will overcome our shortcomings, character flaws, and sin.

  3. The obedience of Jesus (i.e., how his faith was not fickle like Elijah's, but steadfast; how he was not self-centered like Elijah, but committed to God's glory) has been imputed onto us.

  4. Other (explain in your own words how Elijah's life points to Jesus and his gospel, and how that resonates with you): ____________________

5. Close your time by sharing what the Spirit might be placing on your heart through this passage, and pray for one another.


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