Ending the Drought

1 Kings 18.1-40

In the long-awaited showdown between Elijah and the prophets of Baal, we see Elijah at the height of his boldness and faith. He stages a theatrical contest that not only puts Baal to shame, but that unequivocally proves that the God of Israel is the only God. As a result, all of the prophets of Baal have been defeated, king Ahab is no longer a threat to Elijah, and the drought is over!

As much as this account tells a good story, it also contains some key principles regarding our relationship with God. First, how did Elijah have such a bold and heroic faith? Thus far, we have not seen anything like this from Elijah. In previous passages, Elijah's faith was not only fickle but he also lacked this level of boldness.

Second, although this passage is one of the highlights of Elijah's ministry, we still see some of his character flaws. There are hints of him distorting reality and being arrogant. Subsequent passages further develop these hints to show us that Elijah is not the main character and how desperately we need the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Read 1 Kings 18.1-40

1. Share about a time in the past where God placed you in an uncomfortable season. In hindsight, how was God using that season to mature and disciple you to become more like Jesus Christ?

2. In what ways do you think God might be strengthening your faith and trust in him during this time?

3. Despite this passage containing one of the highlights of Elijah's ministry, we see hints of some of his character flaws. Despite these character flaws, God still used him and allowed him to experience this miraculous victory. Is it more encouraging or unsettling that God still loves you and allows you to experience victories even while you have character flaws?

4. Share prayer requests with one another and close your time in prayer. Also pray that God will allow this Life Group (1) to trust in God during uncomfortable seasons and (2) to also grow in repentance during seasons of victory.


Elijah Was Just Like Us (Part 2)


Our God or Our Troubler?