From a Planted Tree to Hung on a Tree

Psalm 1

Have you ever felt like there is a lack of direction, foundation, or purpose in your life? Or that there are certain things that you know that you should do, but you ultimately feel powerless to accomplish them? Indeed, many people have similar thoughts many times during their lives. However, the gospel of Jesus Christ beckons us to look to him instead of ourselves. Jesus fulfills and redeems our lack of direction, purpose, and willpower if we just humbly come to him.

This will be the ultimate focus on Psalm 1. This psalm is important as it sets the tone for the 149 psalms that follow. It describes that there are ultimately two ways of living: the way of the righteous and the way of sinners. To differentiate these two ways of living, the psalmist describes the value, lifestyle, and outcome of each of these ways.

Those who are on the way of the righteous place their value specifically on the law (or Word) of the Lord (Psalm 1.2). Scripture is not only God's Word for these people, but it determines the way that they live. However, those on the way of sinners do not have a fixed value. They follow whatever ideas seem right to them at the time (Psalm 1.1).

Therefore, the lifestyle of both ways is different. The way of the righteous is like a tree that is planted by streams of water. No matter what kind of windy seasons or droughts occur, the tree will always endure and continue to bear fruit (Psalm 8.3). However, those on the way of sinners live their lives aimlessly. Their wanderings are analogous to chaff being blown by the wind (Psalm 8.4).

Consequently, these lifestyles lead to separate outcomes. Those who have been living on the way of sinners will not be able to withstand the judgement of God (Psalm 8.5). However, those who have been living on the way of the righteous will be known and protected by God (Psalm 8.6).

While it is tempting to read Psalm 1 as a warning or an encouragement for us to stay on the right path, this psalm is ultimately not about us. Rather, it is about Jesus Christ. In fact, all of us are or have been hopelessly stuck on the way of sinners. We can try our best to get on the right path, but we are powerless to do so. Yet, it is Jesus Christ who came to where we were. He did stand in the way of sinners and sit in the seat of scoffers in order to save us (Psalm 8.1). Although we fail to delight in the law of the Lord, Jesus—the Word of God—came to us in flesh and dwelt among us (Psalm 8.2; John 1.14)! Jesus forsook his identity as the quintessential tree that is planted by streams of water, always bearing fruit, in order to be hung on a tree so that he could save us from our sin (Psalm 8.3; Galatians 3.13). Therefore, although left to ourselves we are all like chaff, living vulnerable and wandering lives that will ultimately fail God's judgment, in Christ, we are now those whom God knows with intimacy and love (Psalm 8.6)!

Sisters and brothers, it is good for us to recognize our failures and our lack. But ultimately, this points us not to ourselves, but to Christ. Humble yourself and relish in the provision of Christ that has been paid by his own blood!


Hindsight is 2020a


Overcoming Conflict (Part 2)