How It Started; How It’s Going: Gender

Genesis 2:4-25

The second chapter of Genesis provides another perspective on how God created everything. This chapter is also a summary of what we have reflected upon over the first two sermons and provides context so that we can better understand chapter 3. Accordingly, we see Adam working, having authority, and enjoying the gift of relationships--all within the context of his relationship with God as it was originally designed. As we will eventually see, the idyllic harmony portrayed in Genesis 2 makes the rebellion in Genesis 3 all the more treacherous and egregious. 

The next two sermons will focus on Genesis 1-2 by taking excursuses on two topics: gender and sexuality. Not only are these two topics controversial, but Scripture provides guiding principles on how to understand them rightly, beginning with Genesis 1-2.

In this sermon, we will reflect upon gender in two aspects: gender equality and gender dysphoria. Long before any social movement for women's rights, God's Word always had a high view toward women, which was relatively in every cultural context of the Bible. This is immediately apparent in how both male and female are created in the image of God, and Adam's emphatic appreciation for his wife. God's esteem for women becomes even clearer in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Gender dysphoria is the distress an individual feels about the individual's gender. Such a topic has become even more acute in recent years, especially in the Greater Toronto Area. Although gender dysphoria per se is not found in Scripture, we do see the underlying principles of gender dysphoria addressed faintly, yet profoundly. Indeed, Genesis begins with a clear distinction between two genders: male and female. However, we do not currently live in the era of the initial creation. Rather, we live in a world that has been totally corrupted by sin, which is the ultimate root cause for difficulties like gender dysphoria. 

Unlike other sermons, this message will be focused on what kind of a church community God is shaping Uptown to be. If we are truly living in the era of being in Christ, then we should also be passionate about respecting all genders, and empathizing with/providing hope to those who are in despair and distress.


1. What are your immediate reactions, thoughts, comments, or questions about this sermon? Have the Life Group leader collect and forward them to Pastor Yuh.

2. In what ways have you experienced the intimate and gentle love of God despite being marginalized (e.g., gender inequality) or being under distress (e.g., gender dysphoria)? (Be careful: this question is not meant for us to assume that we know what those who have suffered gender inequality or dysphoria feel. In this regard, we should always be quick to listen and slow to speak. The purpose of this question is to recall how we are recipients of the same grace that everyone--including those suffering gender inequality or dysphoria--needs.)

3. Many churches begin with a sincere intention of being a part of healthy social change. Unfortunately, many of these churches often get influenced by other pressures and lose sight of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  1. On the specific topic of gender equality, what are some guiding principles that can prevent us from compromising the biblical truth?

  2. On the specific topic of gender dysphoria, what are some guiding principles that can prevent us from compromising the biblical truth? 

4. Oftentimes, we do not think that God's eternal Word can speak powerfully into the pressing topics of today's society. What do you think are the reasons for this? What are some ways that we can take full advantage of God's eternal wisdom?

5. In addition to sharing any prayer requests, close your time in prayer by praying for the following things:

  1. Everyone would remember and appreciate how they are recipients of God's radical, intimate love despite being marginalized and under distress.

  2. Our church's love and sensitivity toward those struggling with gender will be guided, motivated, and empowered by the gospel of Jesus Christ.

  3. Our church will grow in understanding God's Word, especially in the ways that it intersects with everyday concerns, such as the controversies surrounding gender.


How It Started; How It's Going: Sex


God’s Image, Our Essence: Part 2