Uptown Pastoral Library
The Submission of Jesus Christ
Based on the overwhelming feedback from last week and as we prepare for this upcoming Passion week, we will continue the theme of submission through the life of Jesus Christ. Before we do that, we need to be reminded of Christ's preexistent form. That is, who is Christ even before the incarnation (i.e., being born as a baby) and his death and resurrection? …
Filling with the Spirit <--> Submitting to One Another
This last sermon of the series will focus on Paul's command for us to submit to one another. Submission, especially in the light of church leaders abusing their authority, is even more controversial today. Nevertheless, Paul talks about submission in a way where it is the cause and/or effect of being filled with the Spirit. In other words, submission is indispensable for us to grow in the image of Jesus Christ and thereby glorify God …
Where Are We? (And Alcohol)
When Paul warns against drunkenness (Eph 5.18), we often neglect the greater context of his warning (Eph 5.15-21). In fact, the passage has less to do with alcohol and more to do with living with a sense of awareness of the times: "make[ing] the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is" (Eph 5.17) …
Heart -> Mind -> Actions -> Our Words
Contrary to the famous, yet misleading, adage, "sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me," words are extremely powerful and important in the eyes of God. It was through God's Word that all of the universe was created and it is through his Word that all of life is currently being sustained. As God's image bearers, our words also have a potency that we typically overlook …
Contentment, Diligence, and Generosity in Christ
The focus for this week's sermon will be on theft and stealing. On the one hand, the Bible speaks about theft frequently (Exod 20.15; Mark 10.19; Rom 13.9; 1 Cor 6.9-11); on the other hand, stealing is not nearly as common in our modern context. This sermon will explain how we should apply the warning against stealing today in the gospel of Jesus Christ as we focus on Ephesians 4.28 …
From Children of Wrath to Children in Christ
Anger, bitterness, or wrath can wreak havoc, especially in important relationships. Unlike the other issues that we've been reflecting upon over the past few months, anger is usually directed toward someone in a very traumatic way and can thus create gaping wounds that never fully heal. Sadly, anger has already shaped or is shaping many of us--whether we were exposed to an outburst during our formative years as children or whether our own anger has created open scars on our loved ones, such as our spouses or children …
Death by a Thousand Deceits
We are often misled to think that Christian life is centrally about momentous events or circumstances. The truth, however, is that both our victories and failures are influenced more by the little moments that we typically overlook. This is partly what Paul has in mind when he says that our old way of living has been corrupt (or destroyed) by our deceitful desires. These desires might seem innocent, but they have the power to ruin our lives so they are doubly dangerous …
The Sneaky Motivation of Covetousness
Now that we are a few sermons into this series, we will first revisit the intended outcomes and marvel at how we are already experiencing so much fruit from trusting and obeying God's Word thus far. The topic of this sermon will be covetousness. Although we hardly ever use the word, covetousness is one of the more dominating sins that we commit and is the motivation behind so much of our lives including work, how we engage in social media, how we view finances, etc. …
Our Sexual Immorality; His Holiness and Inheritance
The gospel of Jesus Christ includes receiving a new heart, which renews our mind, which in turn enables us to live a life where our actions and speech are filled with power, love, and self-control. We've been reflecting upon this over the past couple of weeks and this week, we see all these wonderful blessings in the context of sexual immorality …
Emancipation from Mental Slavery (Soundness of Mind Part 1)
Last week's sermon is foundational as it explained how many of us have a distorted and unbiblical view of the gospel. It is only when we see the death, resurrection, and life (DRL) of Jesus Christ that we have any hope in life. The rest of the sermon series will provide examples of what this looks like based on Ephesians 4-5, so if you missed last week's sermon, be sure to listen to it …
What Makes Heart Detox Possible
The focus of this sermon series, “Heart Detox,” is to allow the Spirit to empty our hearts of anything that is offensive to the Lord and detrimental to ourselves. When the Spirit detoxicates our hearts, we are then able to experience God's grace, power, and joy with greater depth so that we can love others accordingly …
Behold His Character, Trust His Word, and Depend on His Grace
As the people of God begin to settle in the rebuilt city, they take their time to reflect upon and renew their covenant with the Lord. One of the most prominent parts of the covenant is keeping the Sabbath. This passage and sermon will teach us the importance of Sabbath and the Law of God. What is the purpose of these and do they apply to us today? …
What Impact Does the Preaching of the Word Make?
Over the past few months, Nehemiah has taught us that the people of God are marked with a three-dimensional view of life and a heart of prayer. In chapters 8 and 9, we see that the people of God are also marked with reverence to the preaching of the Word of God …
Anticipating Distractions, Complacency, and Emptiness
At this point in the book of Nehemiah, the people have finally finished rebuilding the wall. Although the task was daunting, it only took 52 days for it to be completed. Additionally, the opposition that was once fierce has died down. Nevertheless, there was no time for complacency. There were still some issues that needed to be addressed …
Living in 3D: Overcoming Internal Opposition and Injustice, and Being Generous
Last week, we saw much opposition coming from external factors. It was Nehemiah's three-dimensional view on life that enabled him to overcome--that is, he did not see his life as being about merely himself (dimension 1) and the situation (dimension 2). Instead, he was more influenced by his "great and awesome God" (dimension 3), which compelled him to be prayerful, confident, and vigilant …
How to Overcome Opposition: Prayer, Confidence, and Vigilance
So far in the book of Nehemiah, we have already seen multiple instances of opposition when living in obedience to the Lord. But what is the essence of this opposition and what might it look like in our own context? …
The God Who Grieves
What comes to mind when you think of the emotions of God? Contrary to many religions and to our misconceptions of God, God is full of emotions. In fact, if God were not full of emotions, then we as humans would not be able to experience a range and depth of emotions since we are created in his image. Unlike humanity, however, God is in full control over his emotions and these emotions do not imply any kind of change, weakness, or imperfection on God's character…
The Depth of Sin (Total Depravity Part 2)
Now that Scripture has established the subtle origins and the extensive scope of sin, Scripture provides us a glimpse of how deep this sin is. Despite humanity's rebellion, God nonetheless provides ample opportunity for people to repent. However, apart from Christ, we are stuck in the ways of Adam so we fail to repent and instead reject God even further…
Sin 101: Subtle Origins
Sin and its consequences are horrifically devastating. Not only is sin extensive in its impact, but its destruction runs deep into our most inner-being. The next three sermons will explore these aspects of sin, with the first sermon beginning with its subtle origins…
How It Started; How It's Going: Sex
Continuing from last week's sermon, we will look at the biblical understanding of a very important topic that is only seldom mentioned in church: sex. Once again, we need to understand sex within the context of creation, fall, redemption, and consummation…