Is There Something or Someone Better than Jesus?

John 15:26; 16:5-15

What comes to mind when you think of the Holy Spirit? Is it a distant or impersonal force that helps you in your time of need? Is it what enables intense experiences, such as unexplainable healing or euphoric moments with God? Or perhaps you associate it with divine dreams, visions, or messages? As we begin our sermon series on the Holy Spirit, we will correct misunderstandings of who he is and explore how the Bible describes him.

First, the Holy Spirit is not an it, but a he. He is a person, and is actually intensely relational and intimate. This is evident in the way Jesus describes him: an advocate or intercessor who comforts and guides.

Second, the presence of the Spirit in our lives is better than having been with Jesus during his earthly life. This might surprise some of us as many of us wish that we could have lived with Jesus during his earthly life. But Jesus himself says that it is to our advantage that he goes away so that we can gain the Spirit (John 15.7).

Both of these points can be illustrated by surveying how the Bible in general describes the Spirit. He has enabled his people to accomplish specific tasks ever since the Old Testament (e.g., Joseph and David) and was enabling Jesus during every part of his earthly life--from his conception all to way to his ascension.

The most crucial point about the Holy Spirit is his primary purpose. As Jesus himself says, the Spirit will bear witness about Jesus (John 15.26), convict the world about Jesus (John 16.8-11), and glorify Jesus (John 16.14). In short, the Holy Spirit seeks to magnify Christ. He does this in our world and lives in a personal and relational way, especially by convicting us of our sin and bringing to light the glories of who Christ is.


1. What are some of the misunderstandings or questions you have about the Holy Spirit? Make a list of them as a group and send it to P.Yuh.

2. One of the most important blessings of the gospel of Jesus is that we have been gifted the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. The Spirit enables us to be united with Christ: it is the Spirit who has forged in us a new identity in Christ and who will ensure that our destiny is to be conformed to Christ. What difference does it make to know that this Spirit is a person and not some distant force? That he is relational, personal, and is an intimate part of the specific aspects of our lives?

3. Jesus says that it is better for him to leave the disciples because it means that the Spirit will be sent to them. A part of us might disagree! What are some of the reasons why this is true? How have you experienced this yourself?

4. Does it surprise you that the primary purpose of the Holy Spirit, who is God himself and therefore has all power, is to magnify Jesus? Of all the things that the Spirit can do (e.g., cure the COVID-19, solve world hunger, establish global peace, etc.), why is this his main focus?

5. Share how the Spirit has been convicting you about Jesus these days (whether it's concerning sin, righteousness, judgement, or anything else that has made Jesus more prominent in your life). In what ways has this led you to repentance and greater trust in Christ?


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