The 5 W’s of Worship

1 Thessalonians 5.16-18; Philippians 4.10-13

Problems are inevitable in life. Even our secular society understands this. In fact, many of us might be experiencing difficulties during this present season—whether it is stressful relationships or feeling stuck in a trying situation. The most important question during these times is not how we can solve our difficulties. Rather, it is: "who is Jesus?"

Because of the effects of sin, we fail to see Jesus properly even though he is very relevant and involved in every situation of our lives. Instead, we become fixated on individual circumstances. However, praise God for the gospel of Jesus Christ! Because of our union with Christ that has been accomplished by his death and resurrection, we can now live in Christ—every circumstance of our lives is a window into seeing Jesus!

This is exemplified in the life and writings of Paul. Paul urges us to rejoice, to pray, and to give thanks in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5.16-18). This is possible because this is God's will (i.e., his desire or intention) for us now that we are united with Christ! Elsewhere, Paul writes about how he has learned to be content in all circumstances because he is now in Christ (Philippians 4.10-13).

Paul was able to live this life not because he was an exceptional person. Instead, it is because of the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is at work in our lives as well. All those who have been united with Christ can now live this kind of life where we are able to rejoice, pray, give thanks, and be content in every situation. In other words, this is a life of worship, where we are able to recognize, submit to, and celebrate God's character and involvement. This is God's will for us; and what God intends and desires, God will accomplish!


1. Describe a situation in your life that has been preoccupying you (e.g., what do you think about when you wake up or before you sleep? What has been causing you anxiety these days? What are you looking forward to?). Have you been able to see the relevance of Jesus and his gospel in this situation?

2. Take a moment and share with one another how Jesus and his gospel might be relevant in this particular situation.

3. Paul describes our new life in Christ to be one where we can always rejoice, pray, give thanks, and be content—in every situation.
a) According to these passages, what enables this to be possible?
b) How might the two points emphasized in the sermon be an encouragement to you?
c) Share about a time where you were able to experience instances of this kind of worshipful life. In what ways did this feel like the way life was intended to be lived?


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