Parental Discretion Is Required

Proverbs 22.6, 15

Historically, there have been many exaggerated shifts in what the parent-child relationship should look like. At one point, parents were regarded as authoritative figures; in turn, children were to be obedient. Then, at another point, parents were regarded as friends; in turn, children were to be treated as if they were already adults. Of course, both extremes are unhealthy and can cause many problems that eventually spill into society.

What does the gospel of Jesus Christ say about parent-child relationships? In this sermon, I will use what the Proverbs say about parenting as a window into God's heart for those who submit to and believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

On the one hand, the Proverbs emphasize the authoritative role of parents. The language used can be seen as stringent by today's standards (Proverbs 22.6a, 15), although this language would have been the norm in the ancient Near East. On the other hand, Proverbs 22.6 uses surprising language that have puzzled today's commentators of the Bible.

I will explain this paradox by looking at how God (and Jesus) interact with humans. Certainly there is a sense of authority and hierarchy because he is God and is holy. At the same time, God is relational and intimate. The more we experience the range of the parental heart of God toward us, the more we are able to be wise in our own parent-child relationships. The more that we are led and filled by the Spirit, the more that we will be able to interact with love and wisdom with those around us.


1. Read the passage together and review your sermon notes. Share with one another what the Spirit might have been placing on your heart through the sermon.

2. How would you describe the way God interacts with people in Scripture?

3. The sermon once again reminded us that apart from Christ, Scripture regards us as sinners who deserve nothing but the wrath of God. However, because of what Jesus Christ has done, we are instead regarded as God’s beloved children! How have you experienced the range of God’s parental love toward you in your life (e.g., his authority and his intimacy)?

4. Share an example where your relationship with God has influenced the way you relate with others.

5. Ask the Spirit how you can respond in thanksgiving for God's parental heart for you—knowing that it is only because of Jesus Christ that he loves you as a father. Perhaps it is by saying a prayer, writing a journal entry, sharing with someone, being more loving toward those around you, etc.


Married in Christ: From Contention to Submission


Jesus: the Empowerer of Proverbs