The Awesome Names of Jesus Christ

Isaiah 9:1-7

Related to the sermon from last week, we often have a narrow understanding of who Jesus is. Some of us view Jesus as simply a healer, a faithful friend, or a good teacher. In this sermon, we reflect upon the four names given by Isaiah's prophecy: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace. As we reflect upon these names, we must be reminded that the one with these awesome names: (1) was given to us; (2) died on our behalf; and (3) and is our new identity and destiny.

As the Wonderful Counselor, Jesus's wisdom and plans are truly wonderful. That is, his counsel leads us to awe and wonder, and is far greater than we can possibly conceive. Later in Isaiah 55.8-9, we learn that God's thoughts and ways are higher than our own. Jesus as our counselor means that he has a perfect and unstoppable plan for this entire universe. Not only that, but Jesus as our counselor means that he is also intimate with us. A counselor in biblical times is a trusted and personal advisor (e.g., Ps 32.8). So although Jesus is the master counselor of this entire universe, he is also incredibly intimate in counseling our individual lives!

Jesus as Mighty God means that he is strong, powerful, and imposing. "Mighty" is often used to describe a very capable warrior, who is also awesome and great. In our modern context, the word would be used for the most formidable and daunting figures. The physique of Jesus's first coming was very ordinary because of his humility. However, in his glorified state, he is truly mighty. It is this Jesus who has fought for us, is fighting for us, and will deliver the final blow to Satan and our sin upon his return.

Jesus is also our Everlasting Father. During ancient times, one's life was extremely fragile. Many people died prematurely and were unable to live a full life. Also during ancient times, the role of the father was extremely important. Without a father, widows and orphans were cast aside in society without any sense of hope or future. Jesus, however, is everlasting. He has always existed and will forever be our father. This means that we will always have security and hope.

Lastly, Jesus is the Prince of Peace. The Hebrew word for Prince has military connotations, e.g., a chief, ruler, captain, or official. This therefore relates to Jesus being King and Mighty God. Jesus fights the ultimate war against our sin and Satan in order to provide true peace. In the context of Isaiah, peace means absolute harmony. First, it is peace with God: God is rightfully wrathful toward our sin and we are therefore his enemies; but because of Jesus's work, there is now peace between us and God. Second, it is peace with the rest of creation: throughout Isaiah, there are powerful images of war and hostility forever ceasing (2.4); a wolf being tender toward a lamb, a child playing with a cobra (11.6-9).

Jesus is so much more than a friend, teacher, or healer. He is truly awesome and even these four names do not do full justice. Yet, this awesome Jesus has been given to us! Moreover, this awesome Jesus died for us! And this awesome Jesus is now our identity and destiny: all of the attributes described above are now part of our identity and growing into these attributes is now our destiny!


1. How has this passage and sermon helped your understanding of who Jesus is?

2. Which of the four names surprised or impressed you the most and why?

  • Wonderful Counselor

  • Mighty God

  • Everlasting Father

  • Prince of Peace

3. How does this emphasis on the awesomeness of Jesus give us a greater appreciation for:

  • The fact that this awesome Jesus was given to us, being born as a vulnerable child.

  • The fact that this awesome Jesus suffered and died the most humiliating death for us.

  • The fact that our identity is now in this awesome Jesus and our destiny is to be conformed to this awesome Jesus.


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