The Depth of Sin (Total Depravity Part 2)

Genesis 4.1-16

Now that Scripture has established the subtle origins and the extensive scope of sin, Scripture provides us a glimpse of how deep this sin is. Despite humanity's rebellion, God nonetheless provides ample opportunity for people to repent. However, apart from Christ, we are stuck in the ways of Adam so we fail to repent and instead reject God even further.

All of these principles unfold in the account of Cain and Abel. God graciously interacts with Cain: consoling him, gently warning him, and giving him repeated opportunities to repent. Yet, Cain not only ignores God in each of these interactions, but ultimately defies and rejects him. Cain is enslaved to and idolizes his own feelings, fears, and desires that he does not care about God.

God is also constantly interacting with us. How aware are we of these interactions? Do we respond with gratitude, trust, repentance, and ultimately worship? Or do we, like Cain, ignore and ultimately reject God because we are enslaved to and idolize our own feelings, fears, and desires? Praise be to God that our identity and destiny are not determined by Adam or Cain. Instead, we are now in Christ so we will not only become increasingly aware of God, but faithfully submit, trust, and celebrate his character and involvement in our lives.


The God Who Grieves


Sin 101: Subtle Origins