Children & Youth Ministry

We offer your children and youth a place of wonder and discovery so that they can love and know God, and worship Him with all their heart, soul, and mind. Using lessons to capture your child’s imagination, intrigue them, and set them on a course of discovery.

We have the following ministries available for your children:

Ages 1-3 (Mustard Seeds): meets in Room #102 at 9:30 AM
JK-SK (Sparks Kindergarten): meets in Room #102 at 9:30 AM
Grades 1-4 (Sparks) + Grades 5-8 (Ignite): meets in Room #B19 at 9:30 AM
Grades 9-12 (Hi-C): meets in New Hope Chapel at 11:30 AM

Grades 5-8 (Ignite): Leadership Meeting (open to all) in Room #B19, 7-9 PM
Grades 9-12 (Hi-C): Friday Night Fellowship in New Hope Chapel, 7-9 PM

If you have a passion to help our young children and students grow in their faith, then you should serve as a teacher!

You can serve in the following ways:

Volunteer Children’s Ministry (Grades 1-8) Teacher (need 4 teachers)
(Sundays 9:15-10:30 AM or 11:15-12:30 PM)
-teach every week, 1-year commitment
-assist Pastor Susan before and during service and class time
-assist with special events, retreats and services

Volunteer High School Ministry Teacher (need 15 teachers)
(Sundays 11:15-1 PM)
-teach every week or bi-weekly, 1-year commitment (Sep-Jun)
-assist Pastor Young Jae before and during Hi-C service
-after service, lead Life Groups and care and pray for the students in your care
-assist with special events, retreats and services

Ministry Leaders
Deacon Terry Lim, Pastor Susan Lee


Praise Team


Media/Sunday Operations Team