Let the Word of Christ Dwell in you Richly!

Colossians 3:16 says, “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly.” 

That’s how we live our Christian life. Christian life is centered around the word of Christ. Following Christ means following the word of Christ. Wordless life is Christless life. But a life full of the word of Christ will be a life full of Christ. So let’s be filled with the word of Christ, so that we may be full of Christ and be able to also then share the love of Christ to others.

 Here are some pastoral encouragements which I shared with you in my sermon past Sunday:

1.     Read God’s word daily. If you have not been reading God’s word, pick up your Bible and start reading again. Start with one chapter a day. Start with 10 minutes a day. Follow our Bible reading plan. And as you read, ask the Spirit to give you heart to understand and faith to obey. If you need help with understanding what you are reading, please let me know. I would love to help you and guide you. One of the main reasons I am called to be a pastor at New Hope is to pray for you and to teach you God’s word. And I will meet up with you not just out of duty, but really out of delight!

2.     Read God’s word attentively. Don’t read it casually. Read it with focus. Read it without distractions. Put yourself in a quiet space and turn off your phone. I suggest reading a paper copy rather than off of your device. Give undivided attention to God and his word. Approach your Bible reading with a posture of humility and anticipation. That God will speak to you.

3.     Read God’s word slowly. That is, don’t rush through your reading. You can never rush through your reading if you want to hear God’s voice and allow his word to work in your heart. You must not rush your time with God. You can start with 10 minute a day, but as you get into the daily mode of being in God’s word, it will (and should) increase to 20 minutes, 30 minutes, even an hour or more, because you realize God’s word is sweet and deep and you can never get much of the sweetness and depth without lingering over God’s word. You must give enough time for God’s word to penetrate your heart and mind. You need to let God’s living word do its work in your heart. I suggest that even if you read a chapter or two a day, you should focus on one or two verses to meditate. As the Spirit prompts you to dwell on a word or a phrase or a verse, meditate on it by lingering around it prayerfully. 

4.     Memorize God’s word. One of the best ways to meditate God’s word and to allow God’s word to work in our hearts is to memorize it. As we memorize it, we are inscribing God’s word in our mind and allowing it to shape and sanctify and strengthen our heart so that we are aligned to God’s heart. I remember my younger days as a Christian, when memorizing verses was a part of discipleship. And it has done my soul good over the years. And I want to pick it up again. And this time do it together with you!

There are many benefits to memorize God’s word, but here are three: 

·      Spiritual strength. Sense God’s presence moment by moment and him trust more deeply to meet the needs and opportunities that arise each day.

·       Freedom from anxiety. Writing God’s promises on your heart helps you live in God’s perfect peace.

·       Triumph over temptation. Scripture memory makes the sword of the Spirit readily available for your battle against sin. “I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.” (Psalm 119:11)


Practical Tips for Memorizing Scripture


How Do You Memorize Scripture?

Starting this Sunday, we will be memorizing together this year’s theme verses, Hebrews 12:1-3.

Each month from February to April we will memorize one verse together. We are not doing mechanical memorizing. We are doing it to fight the good fight of faith—to run this race of faith together—fueled by God’s Word. We will do it together as a church family. 

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly! May we run the race together, fueled by God’s word and spurred on by fellow runners who encourage us with God’s word.


Running for the Sake of the Gospel


“Fuel For The Race: Word & Prayer” - Hebrews 4:11-16