Heart -> Mind -> Actions -> Our Words

Passage: Ephesians 4.29, 31-32; 5.4

Date: March 12, 2023

Contrary to the famous, yet misleading, adage, "sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me," words are extremely powerful and important in the eyes of God. It was through God's Word that all of the universe was created and it is through his Word that all of life is currently being sustained. As God's image bearers, our words also have a potency that we typically overlook. Both our arrogance and our despair are generated by what someone has once said. Words are also very important to God because they are a window into the deep and hidden emotions, passions, and idols that rage within our hearts. Because we cannot control our own hearts, our minds become depraved; when our minds are depraved, we develop bad habits; and consequently, this triangular dysfunction bleeds into the way we speak, where our words are rancid, hurtful, or filthy.

Praise God, however, that he did not leave us in this miserable state. Instead, Jesus Christ--the Word who became flesh--came down to rescue us. His heart, mind, and habits were perfectly righteous and loving, which inevitably impacted his speech. Thus, Jesus's words were full of truth and love. And it is this same Jesus whose Spirit is in all of us who believe and submit to his gospel, conforming us to become like Jesus so that our hearts, minds, habits, and speech can also be filled with truth and love. In this sermon, we will see how the old way of our speech has been enslaved to a corrupt heart, mind, and lifestyle. Now that we are in Christ, this sermon will explain the implications of the new heart, mind, and lifestyle that God has gifted us, so that our speech can be edifying to others and pleasing to God.  


Where Are We? (And Alcohol)


Contentment, Diligence, and Generosity in Christ