Where Are We? (And Alcohol)

Passage: Ephesians 5.15-18

Date: March 19, 2023

When Paul warns against drunkenness (Eph 5.18), we often neglect the greater context of his warning (Eph 5.15-21). In fact, the passage has less to do with alcohol and more to do with living with a sense of awareness of the times: "make[ing] the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is" (Eph 5.17). The reason why being drunk with wine is foolish is that it is "debauchery," which in the Greek means wastefulness--that is, we are wasting the opportunity that God has given us during this precious season of life. We must therefore reflect upon in what season are we living. What is the will of the Lord for us at this point in time?

At a macro level, we are living in the last days between Jesus's first and second coming. During these days, God has called the church to be his faithful witness of his gospel. In the specific case of Uptown, God has been leading us into a very special season. As mentioned numerous times, the past couple of years have been very formative and 2023 is already turning into a pivotal year for the church. In this sermon, we will reflect upon the recent seasons of Uptown and where he is leading us as we reflect upon how the leadership team has been developing in light of the elder/deacon elections.

Lastly, we will touch upon Paul's warning against drunkenness. Instead of focusing on our actions, we will consider what kinds of idols, lies, and habits compel us to drink so that we can replace those with the power, truth, and the life of Jesus Christ.


Filling with the Spirit <--> Submitting to One Another


Heart -> Mind -> Actions -> Our Words