The Submission of Jesus Christ

Passage: Luke 22.39-65

Date: April 2, 2023

Based on the overwhelming feedback from last week and as we prepare for this upcoming Passion week, we will continue the theme of submission through the life of Jesus Christ. Before we do that, we need to be reminded of Christ's preexistent form. That is, who is Christ even before the incarnation (i.e., being born as a baby) and his death and resurrection?

On his preexistence, we will briefly reflect upon his roles in creation, providence, and judgment. Before creation, Christ was there in eternity. It is by, through, and for his glory that all things have been created. Moreover, it is by the power of his word that all things are held together. And finally, he will return again--not as a vulnerable baby, but as the rider on the white horse to make the final judgement.

Once we consider the holiness, grandeur, and supremacy of Christ, we are able to appreciate more fully his work of salvation, especially the events of Passion week. It was during this week 2,000 years ago that he submitted to the will of the Father, the betrayal of his disciples, and the injustices of the world in order to die for our sins. We will look particularly at his prayer at Gethsemane, the way he was betrayed by Judas and Peter, and how he was mocked by the officials.


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Filling with the Spirit <--> Submitting to One Another