Filling with the Spirit <--> Submitting to One Another

Passage: Ephesians 5.18-21

Date: March 26, 2023

This last sermon of the series will focus on Paul's command for us to submit to one another. Submission, especially in the light of church leaders abusing their authority, is even more controversial today. Nevertheless, Paul talks about submission in a way where it is the cause and/or effect of being filled with the Spirit. In other words, submission is indispensable for us to grow in the image of Jesus Christ and thereby glorify God.

One of the underlying reasons why submission is so difficult is because of our sin and because of our failure to revere Christ. Therefore, this sermon will explore these two difficulties in the light of the idols of our hearts, the lies of our minds, and the habits of our actions. 

Our hearts idolize many different things, but they ultimately boil down to a presumptuous/arrogant heart that feels entitled to be loved and respected by others. In Christ, we must instead be humbled that we are loved and respected by God in the gospel of Christ. Our minds are misled by lies that trick us into thinking that relational issues are between us and our counterparts (i.e., a two-dimensional view of life). In Christ, we must instead realize that God is present in all our relationships, so out of reverence for Christ we must submit to others (i.e., a three-dimensional, coram Deo life). Our actions are often dictated by ungodly habits where we are quick to retort, take things personally/defensively, and/or play back all the hurts or misunderstandings. In Christ, we must instead pause, die to ourselves, reflect, and pray.


The Submission of Jesus Christ


Where Are We? (And Alcohol)