Uptown Pastoral Library

Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau

Who Crucified Jesus Christ?

Who crucified Jesus Christ? At a superficial level, we can say that it was the Roman authorities. Some would say that it was the religious leaders who incited the crowds to turn against Jesus. However, the way the Gospels are written, we see that there is a deeper reality. Even Jesus's disciples betrayed Jesus—not only only Judas, but also Peter…

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Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau

A Resurrectional Check-Up

One of the things that is the same with Jesus's society is that everyone desires to be rich and nobody desires to be poor. Jesus, therefore, gives a parable about a rich man and a poor man named Lazarus. This parable is a warning to those who try so hard to enjoy their present life and a comfort to those who might be living a life of suffering…

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Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau

Is Jesus Worth It?

At first glance, Jesus's requirements for being his disciple might seem harsh. If someone wants to follow Jesus, then that person must (1) hate his/her family and his/her own life, (2) bear his/her own cross, and (3) count the cost that is required to be committed to Jesus…

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Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau

Woe to Us

This week's passage focuses on something that the church does not speak much of these days: Jesus's rebuke on the Pharisees, scribes, and lawyers. Indeed, the gospel of Jesus Christ should be known for love; but we would be distorting the character of Jesus if we do not reflect upon his rebukes…

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Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau

What Does It Mean to Glorify/Worship God?

Even though glorifying and worshiping God are so central to the Christian faith, it is rare that we actually know the essence of glorifying or worshiping God. For many of us, we think of it is serving God or singing songs. Understanding this as loving God can be helpful, but this raises another question: what exactly is love, especially in the context of a human-to-God relationship?

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Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau

Loving, Judging, or Receiving

Christians often pressure themselves into thinking that they always need to be nice and generous, or that they are never allowed to make any judgements. A common misunderstanding is if you are Christian, then you should not judge. Usually these distortions of Scripture come from Luke 6.27.38…

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Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau

What Does It Mean to Have a Blessed Life?

Known as the Beatitudes, this passage describes what it means to have a blessed life. Jesus addresses this teaching directly to his disciples and envisions the kind of life that they will live. As Luke writes further in the Book of Acts, the disciples, who are later called the apostles, live a life of poverty, hunger, sadness, and persecution. Yet, according to the Beatitudes, they live a blessed life…

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Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau

Christ Prepares Us for More of Christ

One of the things that God has been reminding us at Uptown is how the gospel of Jesus Christ transforms every aspect of reality. This is a wonderful thing because sin has impaired every aspect of reality. Therefore, the gospel is redeeming all that is wrong in our lives and in the world. The following sermon series will explore different ways that the gospel is reversing the curse of sin as we reflect upon the Gospel of Luke…

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