Who Crucified Jesus Christ?

Luke 23.13-25

Who crucified Jesus Christ? At a superficial level, we can say that it was the Roman authorities. Some would say that it was the religious leaders who incited the crowds to turn against Jesus. However, the way the Gospels are written, we see that there is a deeper reality. Even Jesus's disciples betrayed Jesus—not only only Judas, but also Peter.

The Gospels and the rest of Scripture make it clear that nobody is innocent when it comes to the crucifixion of Jesus. This presents a window into the spiritual reality of all of us. We have all crucified Jesus. The Roman authorities, the religious leaders, and the crowds crucified Jesus because of a political agenda or societal fervor. Judas betrayed Jesus because of money and greed. Peter denied Jesus because of safety from persecution and embarrassment. We also would have crucified Jesus because of our own selfish desires. In moments of stress, we choose to live the way we want to instead of dying to ourselves; we succumb to the pressures of work; and we easily abandon God's Word and the body of Christ.

However, the one who is ultimately responsible for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ is God himself. He sees us through the seasons and yet he willingly gave us his very best. Let us not respond to his sacrificial love and undeserving grace with shame or guilt, but instead with joyful repentance. As the fall season marks a new beginning in many ways, let us use this as an opportunity to begin anew in our relationship with God, the one whose grace is always available and sufficient.


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