Mississauga Pastoral Library
Discerning the End Times - 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
Sermon outline for the sixth sermon in the series Faith in Uncertain Times: Discerning the End Times - 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11
Working Out Salvation - 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12
Sermon outline for the fifth sermon in the sermon series, Faith in Uncertain Times: Working Out Salvation - 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12
Standing Firm - 1 Thessalonians 3:1-13
Sermon outline for the fourth sermon in the sermon series Faith in Uncertain Times: Standing Firm - 1 Thessalonians 3:1-13
Life Together in Life Groups
Christian life is never meant to be lived out alone; it is to be lived out together with brothers and sisters in Christ. Personal relationship with Christ is foundational. And communal life together is foundational in our personal walk with God. God saved not just individuals but a people—a people for himself and for one another.
Happy Thanksgiving!
As we celebrate Thanksgiving weekend, I pray that we will count the blessings of God and give thanks to Him from whom all blessings flow. May our heart abound in thanksgiving to our God who has lavished the riches of his grace in Christ Jesus.
Growing Together as Fruitful Disciples
This fall things are quite different in the kick-off of our new season of ministry due to the ongoing reality of the pandemic. Although the church facility is open for Sunday corporate gatherings, there are many restrictions and limitations as to how we gather, disciple and do missions.
Running the Race With the Power of God
I don’t know about you, but I have been feeling a bit weary for the past few weeks. It may be out of the realization that the new normal due to COVID-19 would continue on for longer than anticipated.
The Gospel in Judges
Judges and 1–2 Samuel bridge the gap from the entrance of the people of God into the Promised Land under the faithful leadership of Joshua to their expulsion from the land due to unfaithful kings in 1–2 Kings. Judges portrays the people of God languishing without good leadership.
The Book of Acts Overview
The Acts of the Apostles is a sequel to the Gospel of Luke who was a physician and travel companion of the apostle Paul. In the book of Acts, Luke begins by noting how “in the first book” (that is, the Gospel of Luke), he “dealt with all that Jesus began to do and teach” (Acts 1:1).
Joshua 13-19: Gift to Receive and Claim
Joshua 13-19 is not the most exciting part in the book of Joshua. Those seven chapters are about the allocation of the land (inheritance) for each of the twelve tribes. When carefully read, they provide us with important spiritual insights that are relevant for us today.
Five Marks of a Gospel-Driven Church
Last week our staff finished a book study on The Gospel-Driven Church by Jared Wilson. It was a helpful book for us to reflect how we are doing as a church, and to re-align ourselves continually to the gospel-centrality. What are the signs that a genuine move of God’s Spirit is taking place? What are the true evidences of spiritual fruitfulness?
Songs of Ascent (Psalms 120-134)
Psalms 120—134 are described collectively as “Songs of Ascent,” thought to be recited by pilgrims ascending to Jerusalem for sacred festivals and other times of worship. Many of these psalms express the affliction of life that the people of God undergo, while also extolling God as their only hope and joy and source of life.
Shepherding the Flock of God
I heard a pastor say that “the greatest work is done by mothers with young children. And the distant second is pastoral work.”
Joshua Overview*
This week, we will begin reading the book of Joshua as a campus at NHF-Mississauga. See the overview prepared by Pastor Charles, and visit the Bible Project to learn more!
Psalm 119: Delighting in the Word of God
This week (June 22~28) we are reading through Psalm 119, the longest chapter in the Bible and the giant among the psalms that shows such magnificent delight in the Word of God
Church Gathering With Safety Measures
Last Sunday we got to re-open our church facility for in-person gathering for a corporate worship. It was wonderful to see fellow brothers and sisters. It was wonderful to sing with the fuller band and hear the large sanctuary being filled with the sound of instruments and more voices (yes, with our masks on and yes, with plenty of physical distancing of more than 2 meters apart). And it was wonderful to actually preach to people and not just to the camera
Church Re-Opening and Serving One Another
As you know, the Ontario government has now allowed religious communities to open their facilities up to 30% of the building capacity for the purpose of prayer and corporate worship. That means we can and will re-open our church facility for Sunday corporate worship in the coming weeks! We cannot wait to see everyone together! As much as we are excited, however, we are also being cautious…
Lamenting Over Sin of Racism
As we grieve the death of George Floyd and lament over sins of racism, injustice, and abuse of power, I pray that we will turn to Christ and the hope of the gospel. Here are some thoughts and article links that helped me personally…
Are you an immigrant, tourist, or exile?
We are going through a sermon series on 1 Peter and one thing that is highlighted in the letter is the identity of Christians as “elect exiles of the dispersion” (1:1) and “strangers and sojourners” (2:11)…
Purpose and Promise of God in Trials of Life
It’s been over two months since the lock-down due to COVD-19. One thing we have learned from this experience, however, is the wisdom in James 4: “You do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life…