Uptown Pastoral Library

Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau

Christ Prepares Us for More of Christ

One of the things that God has been reminding us at Uptown is how the gospel of Jesus Christ transforms every aspect of reality. This is a wonderful thing because sin has impaired every aspect of reality. Therefore, the gospel is redeeming all that is wrong in our lives and in the world. The following sermon series will explore different ways that the gospel is reversing the curse of sin as we reflect upon the Gospel of Luke…

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Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau

Weary and Stupid, but Rooted in Christ

Many of us have suffered the accumulated stress from this prolonged lockdown. Various studies have called this the "pandemic burnout." As work-life balance is even more difficult to achieve when working from home, especially as children are also at home for school, the majority of our society feels utterly worn out…

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Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau

Heirs of Wealth and Suffering

Many Christians are often confused about what our lives should be like. Because of the gospel of Jesus Christ, we have been made co-heirs with Christ so that all of God's riches now belong to us! On the other hand, because we are in Christ, we have been crucified to this world and our life is one of suffering…

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Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau

The Word of God: Keep, Avoid, and Destroy

One of the recurring themes in the Proverbs is to keep God's Word. In many ways, keeping God's Word is counterintuitive and it is much easier to fall outside of his Word. Therefore, we should not be discouraged when we find keeping God's Word to be difficult in our own lives. One of the practical ways of doing this is to journal as we read through Scripture. There will be certain days where we might not feel motivated or we might not get much out of our Scripture reading. But it's important for us to stay dedicated…

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Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau

Parental Discretion Is Required

Historically, there have been many exaggerated shifts in what the parent-child relationship should look like. At one point, parents were regarded as authoritative figures; in turn, children were to be obedient. Then, at another point, parents were regarded as friends; in turn, children were to be treated as if they were already adults. Of course, both extremes are unhealthy and can cause many problems that eventually spill into society…

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Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau

Jesus: the Empowerer of Proverbs

Contrary to a strong misunderstanding in current Christianity, especially among Protestants and particularly in Reformed traditions, discipline should be one of the hallmarks of a life of a Christian. It is true. Salvation is freely given by the Father, everything has been earned and secured by Christ, and all of our Christian life is empowered by the Spirit. For various reasons, Christians distort these blessings to rationalize a life that lacks discipline…

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Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau

Jesus: the Fulfiller of Proverbs

Last week, we were reminded that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. In order to live a life of wisdom, one must be dependent on God. But what does it mean to live a life that is fearing the Lord? This week, we gain more details on what this involves: we must seek the words of the Lord (Proverbs 2.1-5), remember and not forget God's teaching (3.1-4), depend on God instead of ourselves (3.5-7), and be attentive to the God's wisdom (4.1-4). The picture is an obedient child to his/her wise and loving father…

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Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau

The Crux of the Matter

The most important decision that anyone can ever make comes down to the question: was Jesus raised from the dead? There is so much at stake with this simple question, so it is only appropriate to explore this question as we celebrate Easter…

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Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau

The Body of Christ: Gifted, United, and Loving (Part 2)

Last week, we were reminded of how radical God's love is. On the one hand, God is perfect in holiness and cannot tolerate sin. On the other hand, we deserved nothing but his wrath because of our rebellion and defiance. Yet, God reached out to us in the most sacrificial and powerful way. He sent his only son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins and his resurrection means, among other things, that we are united with him! We are not only forgiven of our sins, but we are now the body of Christ! God's radical and uniting love is what motivates and empowers us to love others in the same way…

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Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau

The Body of Christ: Gifted, United, and Loving (Part 1)

One of the recurring dangers that we've seen in these recent sermons is that we take God's Word and make it about ourselves or our relationships with other people. For example, when we think about the fruit of the Spirit—like love, joy, peace, kindness, etc.—we are tempted to focus on how we need to be more loving, joyful, peaceful, kind, etc., without first considering God's love, joy, peace, and kindness…

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Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau

Serving with the Spirit

As we saw last week, the Holy Spirit is moving in a powerful way in both the book of Acts and even in our situation. But as the Spirit moves, there is always opposition. This week, we see that there is conflict within the church as the widows of the community were being neglected. The solution is simple. The apostles delegated the task because they needed to focus on prayer and the ministry of the Word. So they had the community select 7 people who could serve the widows. The requirement was that these people had to be full of the Spirit…

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Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau

It's Personal (and Marital)

Acts 5.1-11 is one of the more uncomfortable passages of the Bible. We see two people, Ananias and Sapphira, instantly struck dead by the Holy Spirit, causing much fear in the newborn church. In the sermon, I will explain the need of reading this passage in the context of what's happening in Acts…

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Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau

The Lame Will Leap

Have you ever felt like you were stuck in an impossible situation? Not only did it feel like there was utterly no hope for you, but you knew that things would only get worse. Moreover, you knew that you did not deserve God's merciful involvement in your situation…

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Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau Pastor Jason Yuh Wynn Yau

Can He Get a Witness?

As we have been reflecting upon the overwhelming and undeserving gift of the Holy Spirit, many of us have been compelled to share this love from God with others. This is an appropriate and expected response. As we are filled with the love of God, we cannot help but to want to share it with others, especially those who do not know Jesus Christ…

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